Wednesday 20 June 2012

Try setting up children's book groups

Teachers in the CLPE Power of Reading project have set up book groups to encourage 'can but don't' readers to enjoy and talk about books informally. Class teachers, teaching assistants, deputy heads, librarians have led book groups with great success.

After school and during lunch time have been the most popular times for book clubs.

Useful tips from teachers

  • Leave a book if it’s not going well – you can always come back to it

  • Try and establish some ‘rules’ for the club – listening to others, keeping up with the books

  • ‘I always nurse them through the first 3 or 4 chapters. They need help to get through the initial challenges. Then I say I’d like to you to get to a certain place eg 4 or 5 chapters ahead, then I say we’ll discuss a particular chapter. ‘

  • ‘I read to them often and they absolutely love it.’

  • ‘Most of what we do is discussion. I’m trying to make it not like work.

  • Book groups are a chance to talk too ‘Having some ideas or themes in your head from your own reading of the book is important. ‘

  • ‘I know roughly where they are in a book – I will come to the group with an idea in my head like “Well, I didn’t expect that to happen….Were there any clues…’. Or ‘I thought we might look at character so and so….’ Ask them to bring along some ideas to the next session – this gives them a focus. .

  • One of most important things about the group is status – for the children and for reading.

  • You can flag up the book group through notice boards, announcements in assembly, report back to assemblies..

  • Visit a book group many are very welcoming may eg offer a drink or bookmarks
Power of Reading Project

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I'm the CLPE librarian and I'm really pleased CLPE now had this Reading for Pleasure blog. I think the 2 most important and enjoyable things adults can do to encourage children to read for pleasure are:
    1) Read a lot yourself and be seen reading
    2) Read aloud to all the children in your life. I read to my own children until they were in their teens and now enjoy reading to school age children who visit CLPE and under 5s who come with their parents & carers to the Bookstart groups I'm involved with.
